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Arregocés Silva, Liseth Johana. (2022). Evaluación de riesgo de la contaminación marino-costera por bioincrustaciones asociadas al tráfico marítimo en el puerto de Cartagena y su implicación en el sistema institucional. (Tesis de Masters). Universidad del Magdalena, Cartagena de Indias D.T. y C., Colombia.

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Marine-coastal areas offer various ecosystem services that favor the settlement and development of human activities, however, they are exposed to constant pressures and serious impacts, which in many cases are usually silent. Within these, the introduction of species by maritime traffic through vectors such as the hull of ships is a form of biological contamination, whose repercussions (environmental, social, and economic) are evident long after the establishment of the species in the new environment, and its eradication can hardly be achieved.Too address, the problem of biological contamination generated by maritime traffic from an integrated approach to coastal management, this document evaluates the risk related to the introduction of species by biofouling in the hull and structures below the waterline of traffic vessels International: Cartagena Case Study. The characterization of encrusting communities in artificial substrates of the Bay and international traffic vessels, infers that these substrates are optimal for the establishment and development of organisms encrusting or associated with them, such as arthropods, molluskse,lids; it also allowed to evidence the presence of four species considered as introduced to Colombia: Mytella Charruana, Perna viridis, Amphibalanus reticulatus and A. amphitrite. Based on the characterization of maritime traffic, a higher frequency of arrival of container-type vessels and recreational and sports vessels was identified, as well as a high number of merchant ships coming from the same bioregion as the port of destination, which increases the risk of introduction of species for the study area. The identification of six types of risk with the potential to affect the bay of Cartagena, its inhabitant,s and the economic activities of the area was carried out, above was based on two categories of risks 1) related to the introduction of species and 2) to the management of biological contamination (on onboardon land). On the other hand, the analysis of the institutional system of interference in the prevention of the introduction of species by biofouling is presented, through the identification of state actors in Colombia related to the management of biological contamination by hull,the and their role under Resolution MEPC. 207 (62) IMO and Resolution 645/2014 (MD-DIMAR-ASIMPO).

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Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Riesgo. Bioincrustación. Manejo integrado costero. Tráfico marítimo
Geographical coverage : Colombia. Cartagena
Depositing User: Dirección General Marítima

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