Repositorio Digital Marítimo, Fluvial y Costero

Santos Barrera, Yerinelys and Calderón Grande, María Fernanda and Gutiérrez Rincón, Eliana Lizeth and Sánchez Reyes, Diana and Álvarez Orduz, Omar Sebastián and David Viteri, Dagoberto and Uribe Rivera, Jefferson Jean Gianny. (2023). Mapping the seabed of the Colombian Caribbean: Proposal for a cartographic scheme of the underwater geomorphology of Colombia (South and Central Section of the continental margin). Bol. Cient. CIOH, 42 (1). pp. 39-50. doi

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Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Geomorfología submarina. Margen continental. Batímetría
Geographical coverage : Colombia. Sinú. Abanico del Magdalena
Depositing User: Dirección General Marítima
ISSN: 2215-9045
Official URL:
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